This is the BBC. |
Wednesday March 18, 2015.
It had been a nice stroll around the Unfinished City's West End, and as I was heading back towards Baker Street station, I found myself in front of BBC Broadcasting House. With a lack of traffic and pedestrians, to spoil the view, I managed to take this shot, of the oldest part of the BBC Headquarters.
Night falls at the BBC. |
Since, at he time, the building was open to the public, I decided to go inside.
Inside and to the right of the main entrance was a mock-up of a news studio, where you could pretend to present the news or deliver a weather forecast.
Heading left you could stand beside a Dalek and the T.A.R.D.I.S., from Doctor Who, before heading into the canteen.
A Dalek from the TV series Doctor Who. |
Doctor Who's T.A.R.D.I.S. |
The canteen offered views down into the bowels of the building, where journalists and support workers busied themselves.
Looking down in to the heart of the BBC news centre. |
You could just make out the studios, from where news programmes were broadcast, and, looking across, you could see the BBC weather presenters and forecasters.
The weather today is... |