Friday, September 10, 2010

Walking with Friends: Len's 50th Birthday

Leonard Joseph Erdwin
The birthday boy.

On Thursday 8th September, 1960, Len Erdwin was thrust in to this world!!!

On Wednesday 8th September, 2010, Len Erdwin was thrust upon London!!!

Saturday 4th September, 2010.

Len's birthday week began on Saturday 4th. Len had finished work on the Friday and was looking forward to a well deserved week off and a good day out on the Wednesday, to celebrate reaching 50. He arrived at my house at about 10am on the Saturday, while Emma and I were picking up his 'surprise.' Luckily Emma's brother, Adam, was at the house tiling the bathroom floor, so Len could get in. When we returned from collecting his 'surprise' we had to quickly hide it so that Len wouldn't see it. After a bite to eat, we left 'the boys' to it while we went to see Alysha in 'Hello, Mister Capello.'

On our return, from the play, it was decided that Len should have his surprise.

Adam kept Len busy in the garden while Me and Emma got things ready.

When we were sure that Len had his eyes shut, we carried it out in to the garden. Stuck it on the table and told him to open his eyes. As he opened his eyes he was silent and he just stared at it. I truly thought we had screwed up. It was then that he finally threw his arms out and said how happy he was.

(The 'surprise' was a birthday cake in the shape of a guitar. The lettering on the cake said, 'Len 50' and all around the base, on the icing, were musical notes and guitar shapes. It also read, 'Elvis 1935-1977'. The cake was based on a similar cake that Len had received for his 21st Birthday, which had also been an 'Elvis Cake.' My thanks go to Denise Cox from Tapestry Cakes, Watford for her excellent work. You're a Star.)

Once Len had got over the shock of the cake, and we had taken many photos of it, Len decided we should all try some. It tasted as good as it looked, if not better. A few more beers and cake and it was a great start to Len's Birthday week.

Wednesday 8th September, 2010.

Len and Swany arrived at my house at about 8:30am.

After a coffee I handed Len his birthday present. A black zippo lighter with a portrait of Elvis Presley on it. He seemed to like this present, too.