Sunday, May 28, 2023

Temple Church (St Mary's)

London The Unfinished City
Temple Church.

Saturday May 27, 2023.

The Temple Church is famous throughout the world as the church of the Knights Templar and was a place that I long wished to visit.

It was by pure chance that while wandering along Fleet Street I noticed that the gates to Temple Church were open, with an A-board advertising that the church was open for viewing. So, through the gate I headed.

The narrow passageway soon opened up and, in front and to my left, the Round of Temple Church came into view. 

London The Unfinished City
Approaching Temple Church from the north with the Great Norman Doorway.

I made my way around to the south of the building, which is the best place from which to view the church and is where the entrance is situated.

London The Unfinished City
The Temple Church from Church Court.

After admiring the architecture and the surrounding buildings, which are filled with law firms and the like, I entered the church.

Now, I have been inside many churches, cathedrals and abbeys all of varying size and stature, but Temple Church is on another level, in my opinion.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Police Public Call Post

London The Unfinished City

Having spotted a few of these Police Public Call Posts, on my travels, I decided to find out how many are left and when they stopped being of use.

London The Unfinished City
Outside St Botolph’s Church, Aldgate.

Situated throughout London, the City of London and right across the British mainland, these Police Public Call Posts would have been a common sight, from the 1920s onwards.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

London's Air Ambulance Charity

London The Unfinished City
Emergency Services in Marylebone Green, Regent's Park.

It is not uncommon, when traversing London's streets and parks, to see a myriad of different helicopters and aircraft flitting across the sky. Passenger jets, news and police helicopters along with the occasional military aircraft or chinook.

However, there are two London Air Ambulance helicopters, one on duty one in reserve, that can often be seen flying anywhere within the M25.

It is even more rare is to see one land and then takeoff.

It was while walking besides The Regent's Park that I heard the sound of a helicopter landing and immediately went looking for it.

London The Unfinished City

Fortunately, on this occasion, the helicopter wan't needed as the ambulance crew had everything in hand.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Queenhithe Mosaic and an Anglo-Saxon Dock

London The Unfinished City
Some of the detail on the mosaic.

One of those wonderful little things that I love about London are the surprising finds that you can discover.

One such discovery is the Queenhithe Mosaic which, having been installed in 2014, I have seldom seen or heard about. 

The 30 metre mosaic tells the timeline of London from Roman times to the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.

London The Unfinished City
Well worn plaque.

What's more interesting than the mosaic, though, is the wall on which it is affixed. The wall surrounds the last remaining Anglo-Saxon dock... in the world. 

Alfred Plaque, Queenhithe

If you peer over the wall, especially at low tide, you can still see wooden remains, animal bones, pieces of clay pipes, shells, tiles and the typical flotsam and jetsam that is the hallmark of the River Thames. 

London The Unfinished City
Looking into the Anglo-Saxon dock.

Below you will find a link to a video of the Mosaic.

Queenhithe Mosaic

Monday, May 08, 2023

Pudding Lane Steps

London The Unfinished City
These stairs lead to a viewing area looking out over the River Thames.

Exploring London, as I do, I invariably discover new shortcuts, pieces of history or some hidden gem that I knew nothing about.

So it was on this particular Bank Holiday as I, Keilyn and my friend Gary made our way from Aldgate, via a meandering route, towards Baker Street, taking in the sites along the way.

As we approached The Monument I remembered that there was a stairway that would lead to a viewing area, above the north bank of the River Thames, so we set about finding it.

The stairway was easy to find, being situated on the corner of Monument Street and Pudding Lane, so up it we climbed, with Keilyn going ahead and looking for fossils in the stone walls of the office building.

At the top of the stairway, with the offices to our right, we could look down on Pudding Lane on our left, while ahead was an information board and an engraved slab.

London The Unfinished City
Roman London information board.