Monday, December 06, 2010

Review: 'Company' by Stephen Sondheim and George Furth

Company programme
My copy of the programme signed by Mr Stephen Brown.

Sunday 5th December, 2010.

My friend, Steve Brown, has recently been rehearsing with a group called 'Second Company' for a play called 'Company' by Stephen Sondheim and George Furth, and I was going to see it with Emma and Len's Emma. 

Steve plays the role of Larry, a 50 something man, the third husband of Joanne, played by Joyce Lorinstein. This run is directed by Ray Rackham and, after sell out performances earlier in the year, has transferred to the 'Stage Space' at the 'Pleasance Theatre'. 

I have seen Steve Brown in 'A Clockwork Orange' and 'Judgement at Nuremberg', the latter of which was his directorial debut, and I have also seen him on TV for Channel 5's 'David Jason: The Show Must Go On!'

'Company' is a musical comedy, set in New York, that first premiered in 1970. The play is centred on the central character of Robert, a 35 year old single man, via his 3 girlfriends and his married or soon-to-be married friends. Robert has hit a point in his life where he cannot commit to a long-term relationship and looks to his friends for guidance. 

The 'Stage Space' is a small area with enough room to fit a maximum of 50 people, while the stage area itself is about twenty feet square. The use of the small stage space, was accomplished very well with the use of two clear plastic chairs and a leather bench. 

The cast, when not in the scene, sat at the sides until their turn in the play. It worked really well and at times I felt that I was actually in an apartment or on the bridge with the cast. It was an almost intimate feeling, as though they were playing just to me. 

I have to see say that I was really impressed with the show from the opening song, 'Company', to the last number, 'Being Alive'. The whole cast were superb with two stand-out performances from Robin Innes and Lowri-Ann Davies. Robin gave a sterling performance as Robert. While Lowri-Ann gave a truly remarkable performance as Amy. (Her very fast rendition of 'Getting Married Today' was incredible.) 

All-in-all it was well worth seeing and I can't wait until the next play that I go and see. Below is a link to a review of the show.

Until next time, May it be well with you.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Walking with Family: A Halloween Stroll

London The Unfinished City
Looking North, from below the MillenniuM Footbridge.

Friday 29th October, 2010.

It was an early start for us, as we were going to London with my Mum. The plan was go with her to Queen Square for her appointment, then we would all go around London as a family.

So, we got up, had a coffee and got to my Mums for 9 O'clock. We then booked a taxi to take us to Croxley Station. Then Alysha called. She had evidently changed her mind and wanted to come with us to London.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wembley Stadium: Saracens v Leinster & Alysha dancing with Tinie Tempah

Me in my Irish shirt at Wembley Stadium
Ready for Saracens v Leinster.

Saturday October 16, 2010.

The day started well, with me having a bit of a lie-in. Emma had gone to work and Alysha had stayed at a friends the night before, so I had the house to myself. Music on (Iron Maiden), coffee brewing and the day couldn't have started any better. 

I was really looking forward to going to Wembley to watch the Saracens take on Leinster. Also, Alysha was going to be dancing on the pitch at half-time with a 'rapper' named 'Tinie Tempah' and it would be Len's first Rugby match and his first visit to the new Wembley Stadium. (The old Stadium was opened in 1923 and was demolished in 2003. Arsenal played their European Games there from 1998 - 2000. The new Stadium was opened in 2007, over a year later than planned.

Len was due round at about 1 O'clock, which gave me ample time to work out what I was going to wear. It took me all of 0.086 seconds to decide on my Irish Rugby shirt. The Saracens are good but, the chance to see people like Shane Horgan, Gordon D'Arcy, Johnny Sexton and Brian O'Driscoll was why I was going to wear my Irish Jersey. 

Well, Len arrived just after Alysha left, (Alysha went with my mum and mum's friend, Sooat about one-thirty, and we settled down to watch a bit of TV. You see, Film Four were showing the first 10 Star Trek feature films over the course of the weekend. (Five each day). Now, Len and myself like Star Trek so we started watching the first film. 

It wasn't until about two-thirty that we decided that we had better make a move, so we took a stroll to Watford Junction to catch our train. Our train left Watford Junction on time, at 15:21, and it didn't take long to get to Wembley Central. 

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Review: 'Judgement at Nuremberg'

'Judgement at Nuremberg' was a play put on by the 'Argosy Players' at the 'Compass Theatre', Ickenham, from 6th-9th October, 2010. 

It was directed by Mr Steve Brown.

The play concerns the trial of four German Judges by three American Judges in Occupied Germany in 1948.

The play began with a short video of the original Nuremberg trials, over which a speech gave an account of the trials and the sentences. The German Judges are accused of Nazi 'Sterilization' and 'Cleansing' Policies and 'War Crimes'. They are Werner Lammpe, Frederick Hoffstetter, Emil Hahn and Dr Ernst Janning. All but one of the Judges plead 'Not Guilty' as Dr Ernst Janning declares that he does not recognise the power of this court. The task of presiding over this trial falls to Judge Dan Haywood and the two Judges who preside with him, Judge Ken Norris and Judge Curtis Ives. Colonel Tad Parker, the prosecutor, makes an opening statement that depicts the defendants as having been willing, accomplices in Nazi atrocities. He is matched by Defense Attorney, Oscar Rolfe, who counters each argument and objection.

It is during an argument between Colonel Tad Parker and Oscar Rolfe that Dr Ernst Janning decides that he can't remain silent and, while still under oath, makes an emotional and heartfelt speech that highlights that the defendants had to make a choice between allegiance to their country and allegiance to their own sense of right and wrong. Even when they realised that Hitler was wrong they still did nothing. This speech damns the defendants. During the closing arguments, Colonel Tad Parker shows some footage from the Liberation of one concentration camp. The shot of bulldozers pushing hundreds of bodies in to pits will stay with me for a while, I think. After the closing arguments, Judge Dan Haywood passes his Judgement and sentences all four to Life imprisonment.

The entire play left me thinking. Thinking about who was really to blame:

Adolf Hitler. Winston Churchill. The Americans. The Vatican. Or was everyone to blame in there own way?!

Stand-out performances for me were, in no particular order:

Glenn Brentnall as Judge Dan Haywood.

Angus Patrick as Colonel Tad Parker.

Andi Tucker as Oscar Rolfe.

Les Broude as Dr Karl Wickert.

Helen Main as Frau Margarete Bertholt.

Tom Hartwell as Rudolph Peterson.

Steve Brown as Dr Ernst Janning.

Stand-out scenes for me were:

The cross examination of Rudolph Peterson by Oscar Rolfe.

Tom Hartwell really pulled off an amazing bit of acting as the man 'Sterilized' on the orders of the accused because his mother was 'feeble-minded.'

The argument between Parker and Rolfe.

This scene was so highly charged that I had the feeling that the two actors, Angus Patrick and Andi Tucker, really meant and believed in what they were saying.

Dr Ernst Janning's speech.

The scene where Dr Ernst Janning finally gives in and makes his impassioned speech, whilst under oath, was superbly and emotionally delivered. The conviction with which Steve Brown delivered his lines held the entire audience.

I came away from this play forgetting that I had just watched an 'amateur' production.

Of the cast I can only say,

'You were exceptional.'

As for the set and back stage crew,

'Keep up the good work.'

And to the Director, Steve Brown, I say,

'For a directorial début, this was incredible. I can't wait to see your next piece of work.'

Friday, September 10, 2010

Walking with Friends: Len's 50th Birthday

Leonard Joseph Erdwin
The birthday boy.

On Thursday 8th September, 1960, Len Erdwin was thrust in to this world!!!

On Wednesday 8th September, 2010, Len Erdwin was thrust upon London!!!

Saturday 4th September, 2010.

Len's birthday week began on Saturday 4th. Len had finished work on the Friday and was looking forward to a well deserved week off and a good day out on the Wednesday, to celebrate reaching 50. He arrived at my house at about 10am on the Saturday, while Emma and I were picking up his 'surprise.' Luckily Emma's brother, Adam, was at the house tiling the bathroom floor, so Len could get in. When we returned from collecting his 'surprise' we had to quickly hide it so that Len wouldn't see it. After a bite to eat, we left 'the boys' to it while we went to see Alysha in 'Hello, Mister Capello.'

On our return, from the play, it was decided that Len should have his surprise.

Adam kept Len busy in the garden while Me and Emma got things ready.

When we were sure that Len had his eyes shut, we carried it out in to the garden. Stuck it on the table and told him to open his eyes. As he opened his eyes he was silent and he just stared at it. I truly thought we had screwed up. It was then that he finally threw his arms out and said how happy he was.

(The 'surprise' was a birthday cake in the shape of a guitar. The lettering on the cake said, 'Len 50' and all around the base, on the icing, were musical notes and guitar shapes. It also read, 'Elvis 1935-1977'. The cake was based on a similar cake that Len had received for his 21st Birthday, which had also been an 'Elvis Cake.' My thanks go to Denise Cox from Tapestry Cakes, Watford for her excellent work. You're a Star.)

Once Len had got over the shock of the cake, and we had taken many photos of it, Len decided we should all try some. It tasted as good as it looked, if not better. A few more beers and cake and it was a great start to Len's Birthday week.

Wednesday 8th September, 2010.

Len and Swany arrived at my house at about 8:30am.

After a coffee I handed Len his birthday present. A black zippo lighter with a portrait of Elvis Presley on it. He seemed to like this present, too. We left my house at about 9.15 and headed for Met Station. The short journey got us there in time to catch our train to Baker Street. On arrival we had breakfast and a coffee at a small cafe and then began our stroll.

We walked along Marylebone road and turned in to Portland Place. This took us passed BBC Broadcasting House and through on to Regent Street. We then crossed over Oxford Street at the new 'Tokyo' style crossing, which should be introduced in more places. We then turned on to Carnaby Street and then in to Golden Square and on to Piccadilly Circus. From there we headed in to Leicester Square and up Long Acre and on in to Covent Garden. From here we headed down to the Embankment and followed the River Thames until we reached the MillenniuM bridge. All the while taking photos and pointing out the sites to Len.

From here we headed to St. Paul's Cathedral and on to Cannon Street, so that Len could see the 'London Stone'. (The 'London Stone' is a piece of Limestone that it is rumoured was the point that all measurements were made from in Roman times.) From here we made our way to the Tower of London to see the remains of the original, Roman, Tower Gate. More photos and then we crossed the River Thames via Tower Bridge.

Once on the South Bank, we followed the 'The Queen's Walk' along the River Thames, passing City Hall (Bojo's Palace as I call it.) and H.M.S. Belfast. It was about this time that we decided it was time for a drink. So we stopped at the 'Horniman at Hays' for a drink. We sat outside by the river and toasted Len on making it to half-a-century. From here we walked in to the Hays Galleria and then on to Borough Market, for some lunch.

Unfortunately, Borough Market is not fully open on a Wednesday, but there were still plenty of places to grab a snack, so we each had a rump steak bap with rocket and mushrooms and onions. Perfect!

From here we joined 'The Thames Walk' and wandered on to Clink Street, where we stopped at 'The Old Thameside Inn', next to the Golden Hinde. Here we had another toast to Len and some more photos were taken. Then we continued our stroll passed 'Winchester Palace's Rose Window' and 'The Clink Prison Museum' until we reached pub No. 3, 'The Anchor', Bankside. It was while we partook of another beverage to Len's enduring health that a Chinook flew overhead. (Near on everytime I go to London, I see a Chinook.) We then continued on our little jaunt along the 'Jubilee Walkway' and saw the Globe Theatre, the Tate Modern and the Bankside Gallery and then stopped at the 'Founders Arms' so that Len could have a short rest. While we sat there we thought it would be nice to have another toast to Len's longevity. So we did.

We had to make a small detour, because of the work that is being done to Blackfriars Bridge, but were soon back on our correct path. It was at this point that it started to rain. Luckily, we were next to the 'Doggetts Coat and Badge' pub, so we took shelter inside and toasted Len's youthfulness.

Once the rain had eased off, we continued our little stroll towards Westminster. We passed beneath Waterloo Bridge and saw the Queen Elizabeth Hall, the Festival Pier, the Royal Festival Hall and through to the Jubilee Gardens by the London Eye. Lots of photos and then we continued on to Westminster Bridge. This is when Steve B rang to say that he had arrived at Baker Street. Perfect timing! While Steve B caught a train to the Embankment, we continued on towards Vauxhall, to take some photos. A shot across the Thames of Parliament and then one of M.I. 5 and then on to get a photo of M.I. 6. Then it was an about turn back to Westminster to meet up with Steve B.

Once we were all together we made our along the Embankment and saw the Playhouse Theatre. It was here that Steve B performed on stage for Sir David Jason. We then turned on to Villiers Street and went to the 'Princess of Wales' so that Steve B could toast Len's five decades on the planet. After this is was decided that we couldn't possibly visit London without seeing some Horse Guards. So, we headed to Whitehall to see them. A few photos with some Horse Guards later and we hit pub No. 7, 'The Old Shades' pub on Whitehall. (First free t-shirt each of the night.)

After toasting Len, for still being upright, we headed to Trafalgar Square. Len and Swany climbed on the Lions at the foot of Nelsons Column, while Steve B and I took photos. We then went to Leicester Square and looked at the imprints of various actors hands around the square. Then we went to the 'Bear and Staff'pub. It was here that we found a street artist who drew a caricature of Len for £10, Brilliant.

Once the caricature was finished, we headed off to 'The Cambridge' to try and get our second free t-shirt. (Basically, whenever you go in to a Nicholson's pub you get a map stamped. Get five stamps and you get a free t-shirt. Cool.) They didn't have any, but we had a drink anyway. From there we went to another pub that none of us can remember the name of, so we shall just call it Pub No. 10. No t-shirts here but plenty of drinks. Swany found a drink called 'Wild Swan', so he was happy. We then decided that it was getting late, so we headed off to find pub No. 11 and our second free t-shirt. We found our free t-shirts in the 'Argyll Arms' near Oxford Circus. By now we were toasting Len, Swany, Steve B and me and anything else that seemed like it needed toasting. Fantastic!

When we left the 'Argyll Arms' we jumped on the train and headed home. All in all a great day out and I truly hope that Len had a great 50th Birthday. I also hope that Swany and Steve B had a great day too.

(Now, the route we took was not set in stone and we did not run the route. I did, however, have in my mind an idea of when we would reach Westminster and I hoped this would be at the same time as Steve B. We were 15 minutes early, or Steve B was 15 minutes late. Timing a day out like that does not get much closer.)

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Walking with Alysha: Clink & HMS Belfast

London The Unfinished City
Alysha tries to take my head off with an axe.

Wednesday 4th August, 2010.

Today would be the day that Alysha and I would go on our annual trip to London. It is something we have done for the last few years. Sometimes we go to Museums, other times the sights and sometimes we just go and see what happens when we are there.

We were up early to make sure the cats and fish were fed and that I had had my coffee and Alysha her breakfast, then we were off.

We got to Watford Metropolitan Line Station at 09:30 and boarded our train to Baker Street. We then changed on to the Bakerloo Line and travelled a few stops to the Embankment. 

Once we reached the Embankment, we walked along Eastward along the North bank of the River Thames. Along the way I took a photograph of Alysha with one of the Sphinx, opposite the South Bank Centre. I took some shots of the 'Wellington' steam boat and various other touristy pics, too. 

We carried on along our route and crossed the Thames via the MillenniuM bridge. (Unfortunately it doesn't wobble any more.) 

Once on the South Bank we walked in to the courtyard of the Globe Theatre for a look-see. I took some pics of the flagstone slabs that are etched with many actors, playwrights and directors names. Outside of the courtyard, by the Thames, there was a street performer who was dressed-up as the invisible man. Of course I got a photo of Alysha with him. 

We then carried on along the Thames Path towards Southwark. As we walked along Clink Street, we decided that neither of us had ever been in to the Clink Prison Museum. We soon changed that!

Clink Prison Museum

London The Unfinished City
The most notorious medieval prison.

Wednesday August 4, 2010.

I have walked by the Clink Museum on numerous occasions, but had never ventured inside. This was something that I needed to rectify, so I took my eldest daughter along, to see what it was like.

It is a an intriguing museum that makes up for its lack of size with lots of history. Many of the torture devices can be handled and there is plethora of ancient artefacts, too.