Monday, August 05, 2024

MillenniuM Maze

MillenniuM Maze
Looking over Maze 2000, from the viewpoint.

In the south of Brent Lodge Park is a maze that is made from 2000 Yews, set out over a large area. The hedges are between 4-5 feet tall, allowing adults to peer over, but not enough to give a true sense of direction.

Maze 2000 sign

Passing through the open gate, Keilyn and I noticed an observation deck, with an access ramp, that allowed us to look out over the maze, thereby planning our route to the centre.

Millennium Maze
Looking at the maze from the observation deck.

With a plan in mind, Keilyn and I headed into the maze, turning left then right, following our feet. But we kept hitting a multitude of dead ends, which forced us to retrace our steps and attempt a different path. 

Some thorny bushes were growing out of the hedges, while nettles had taken over one of the myriad dead ends, while the rest of the paths and hedges were clear.

Central Observation deck
Keilyn at the central observation deck.

It wasn't long, though, before we reached the centre and clambered up the steps of the central observation deck, from where we could plan our escape. 
Keilyn, with her own route in mind, then headed back off into the maze, waving her hat above her head, so that I could see her progress.

Hanwell Maze
Keilyn, with her hat in the air, so I can see where she is.

Once she was far enough into the dense Yew puzzle, I decided to use the exit, heading through the solitary green gate and along the straight path to the entrance, much to Keilyn's annoyance.

Millennium Maze
Keilyn making her way out of the maze.

It didn't take Keilyn long to find her way out to where I was waiting on the lookout deck, allowing us to continue our wander through the area.

It is a fun maze that, although it appears well kept, I think is a forgotten gem of the MillenniuM, 24 years ago.

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