Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Shepherdess Walk Mosaic

London The Unfinished City
Shepherdess Walk.

Tuesday November 28, 2023.

I had heard of a mosaic project, within the London Borough of Hackney, and so decided to make a visit to it.

As it turns out there are two ways to access the mosaic. One is via Shepherdess Walk Gardens, which is fine, but the second, which I chose, is to take the narrow alley beneath houses and reach them that way.

The stairs leading to the narrow alley, from Shepherdess Walk, are stone and can get slippery with leaves and water, so I was careful of my footing. A small mosaic plaque, above the alley, lets you know that you are in the right place.

London The Unfinished City

The narrow alley leads to an open green space, but it is to the left that the mosaics can be found, affixed to the walls of the surrounding homes, with two laid in the ground.

Besides a few parents with their small children, in the nearby park, I had the entire place to myself, allowing me time to take in the intricacies of these huge works.

Brief History

The Hackney Mosaic Project was started in 2011, by Tessa Hunkin, as a way to help people with addiction or mental health problems.

London The Unfinished CIty
Hackney Mosaic Project.

The project is made up of volunteers, many of whom have been referred by the Hackney Recovery Service or Lifeline. These volunteers often suffer with alcohol, drugs, learning disabilities or mental health issues. Their involvement, with the project, helps give them confidence and a sense of purpose as they create these mosaic artworks.

London The Unfinished City
Spring and Summer.

London The Unfinished City
Autumn and Winter.

To watch a short video that I made of the Shepherdess Walk Mosaic, click the link below.


To see more photos of the mosaic clink the link below.


For more information on the mosaic and the surrounding park, click the link below.

Shepherdess Walk Mosaic