Saturday, June 08, 2024

'Greyscape' Photo Competition Winner

Bastion House
My entry to the photo competition.

Back in April, 2024, I was informed about a 'Photo competition' that was being run by 'Greyscape', a website that celebrates Brutalist, Modernist and Constructivist architecture.

Their competition was for photographs of Bastion House, near Barbican.

Fortunately, for me, I had visited the area while on one of my walks with Keilyn, and so had a couple of photographs that I could use as my entry.

I wasn't particularly enamoured by either of the two photographs, that I had taken, but chose the one that I thought looked the better of the two.

Bastion House
The photo I rejected entering.

Having sent in my entry I promptly forgot about the competition and carried on with my walks and continued to take photographs.

To my surprise I received an email, on June 5, informing me that I had won the competition and that they would be posting the winning photograph on their website, along with posting it to their social media pages and their 'Live Instagram' story, too.

To say I was shocked was an understatement!

The emails went on to ask if they could use more of my photographs to illustrate my work. Specifically the two images below.

My answer was, of course, "Yes", with the added comment that they could use any of my photographs that they chose.

Nine Elms Tower
St George Wharf from Eagle Wharf.

I would like to thank the judges at Greyscape for the kind words they used when selecting my image as the winner.

"We loved the photo because it captures Bastion from a less familiar angle, includes its roots in the Museum of London, also under threat, doesn't shy away from the less attractive elements while fairly representing what makes many people like the building. Technically and in terms of composition the photo is sophisticated."

Special thanks, however, must go to my youngest daughter, Keilyn, as if it wasn't for her insistence that we walk from Aldgate to Barbican, having already clocked up 6.5 miles, on that particular day in April, I would never have taken the photo that I would then enter into the competition. 

Harrow-on-the-Hill underground station
Harrow-on-the-Hill underground station.

Oh, and my prize, beyond the prestige of winning, is that I will become the owner of two Bastion House mugs, with designs by Adam Nathaniel Furman on them, which I look forward to receiving.

Obviously, one of these mugs will go to Keilyn.

Here is a link to the Greyscape website.

Greyscape Photo Competition Winner


  1. Congratulations. Well deserved (and the other mug to your mum 😊)
